Business Strategy, Collaborative Innovation, Strategic Alliances Web Site for Robert :Porter Lynch

Trust is one of the most central issues in a democratic society. It underpins everything we engage in.

Whether it be business, government, non-profits, community, or sports coaching, unless the leader can build a foundation of trust, all other efforts will be lost on the organization.

We are dedicated to Building a World You Can Trust through workshops, presentations, coaching, and training other coaches.

Two world renowned experts, Dr. Paul R. Lawrence, Professor Emeritus of Organizational Behavior at Harvard Business School and Robert Porter Lynch, the leading "architect" of strategic alliances have worked for years developing structures, methods, and insights on how people cooperate to gain extraordinary results.

In Trusted to Lead these two individuals have joined forces, integrated two breakthrough approaches to the issue of trust. These breakthroughs are being presented to leaders of the future through the publication their book Trusted to Lead (publication date 2011) and Trusted to Lead workshops, which are available now.

Don't miss this unprecedented opportunity to gain access to this breakthrough in thought and action about trust.

Strategic Alert
Read my Strategic Alert on the
Breakdown of Trust in America and its implications


The Breakdown in Trust

Why has the crisis in trust occurred? One of the reasons is because, as a civilization, we have relegated trust to a backwater of understanding. Students don’t take even a one hour course in trust. Universities don’t offer a book on trust in their bookstores. Strangely, what’s more, no one has ever advocated that trust is far more than platitudes, philosophies, and ethics. As a consequence, trust has been far too vague and undefined.  

Ethics are Insufficient, Relationships are Essential

Ethics will not solve these problems, because ethics do not create trust, they just help to diminish distrust. Good ethics do not, inherently create powerful trust.

Trust is fundamentally about relationships. However, the psychologists who predominate as writers in this realm all say that trust is important, but don’t lay out a firm plan or program or process on how to build, sustain, or rebuild trust. The other authorities on trust tend to take a more philosophical approach, based on values. However, the focus on values is highly symbolic and does not adequately address the behaviors/actions that produce trust or distrust. The impact of philosophy and values , no matter the gravitas, is debatable.

The Critical Missing Elements of Trust

Ask yourself a few questions:

  • How many people in this world to you really trust?
    Is it a surprisingly small number?
  • What happened the last time you were betrayed?
    How did you feel? What did you do in response?
  • How important is trust in your life?
  • When was the last time a relationship – a friendship, a teammate, a family member, or a lover – fell apart because there was some breech of trust?
  • How many relationships in your life have been damaged because trust failed or faltered?
  • What do you really know about trust?
    Is what you think you know about trust really enough?
    Is what you know about trust really a just an agglomeration of fuzzy philosophies, platitudes, generalizations, and slogans?
  • Do you believe that trust is a “natural act?”
  • Can you create a team or love anyone fully without trusting?

Some People have asked about the Confucius quote:
“Without Trust, Life is Not Worth Living.”

It’s actually a condensation of a longer quote that goes like this:

A seeker of wisdom asked Confucius what his politics were.
Confucius replied, “It is to provide food, protect people with armaments, and gain trust from people.”
The seeker asked further, “Which should we abandon first if our country is forced to abandon food, weapons, or trust?
Confucius replied, “Abandon weapons first, then food. But never abandon trust. People cannot get on without trust. Trust is more important than life.”

NOTE: Because of the great demand for Trusted to Lead Workshops, promotional materials, and downloads please to to 

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