Business Strategy, Collaborative Innovation, Strategic Alliances Web Site for Robert :Porter Lynch
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Robert Porter Lynch

Thought Leader Logo Vertical

Focus on Collaboration & Leadership

For over 40 years Robert has been on a quest to find the inner-architecture to successful cooperation between humans and organizations.

It began after Vietnam when Robert was assigned to the U.S. Navy’s special unit that sought to develop stronger teamwork between officers and enlisted personnel. After receiving a Master’s Degree in Organization Behavior at Harvard, Robert spent a decade as an entrepreneur, launching several successful companies. 

In 1985 his focus returned to the quest, developing the ground-breaking system designs for strategic alliances.  

This deep inquiry then progressed over the next two decades to:

  • understanding the source-code of collaborative innovation,
  • methods for transforming conflict into creativity,

    Robert’s depth of field in history linked with his visionary insights bring the wisdom of the ages and the dynamism of possibility into transforming the present

  • neuro-chemistry cooperation,
  • economics of trust,
  • essence of human behavior,
  • creating high performance teams,
  • spiritual dynamics of synergy,
  • powerful system of maximizing value creation,
  • lowering risk in highly complex projects

Robert’s life-long Quest has resulted in an ability to find simplicity on the far side of complexity, and unity in diversity.

These elements then came together into a very simple system of leadership –
the Four Alignments
the E=mc2 of organizations

 – what some are calling the “unification system” of people, organizations, leaders, and teams.  

We know, with very high level of certainty, most organizations can attain a
25% increase in competitive advantage
using the insights and methods Robert has discovered.

Robert’s deep wisdom is available only to organizations, senior executives, alliances, and boards committed to excellence, ethical standards, and willing to invest in its people.


Foundation of Collaboration

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