Business Strategy, Collaborative Innovation, Strategic Alliances Web Site for Robert :Porter Lynch
Business Strategy, Collaborative Innovation, Strategic Alliances Web Site for Robert :Porter Lynch
Silcon Valley Innovation Institute
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Our 8 Point
Innovation Systems Architecturesm

  1. Diagnostics
  2. Strategic Imperative
  3. Leading Innovation
  4. Organizational Design
  5. Performance Processes
  6. Intellectual Property
  7. Metrics & Rewards
  8. Capability Building

How we start depends more on where the leadership support places emphasis than any other factor.

Our Innovation Implementation Solutions can take a variety of modes, including:

  • Consulting & Coaching
  • Diagnosis & Analysis
  • Restructuring
  • Innovation Architecture & Management
  • Supply Chain & Value Network Architecture & Management
  • Strategic Portfolio Management
  • Capability Building
  • Action Planning

See our White Paper on Innovation Architecture


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Innovation Systems Architecture SM


Innovation Diagnostics1. Diagnostic Assessments:Using our comprehensive Innovation Systems Architecturesm, we can quickly help you identify where your innovation program is strong or weak. Our expert team can also determine new opportunites, strategies, and approaches to innovation that can create new revenue streams, bring products to market faster, and utilize your alliances and supply chain far more effectively.

2. Strategic Imperative: Creating an Innovation Program takes more than just announcing the “importance of innovation.” Sadly, for most companies Innovation is important but not urgent. Then companies get stuck -- innovation becomes a:

      • Slogan not a Strategy
      • Platitude not a Program
      • Aspiration, not an Architecture

SVII has the methods to turn your Innovation into a true strategic imperative for your company. First, we will ensure that there is a real Purpose to your innnovation program based on your competitive situation and strategic objectives. Second, we will help guide the Strategy that creates competitive advantage by looking at innovation across the entire value chain.

3. Leading Innovation: Launching and maintaining an innovation program is not for the faint of heart. It requires a unique form of leadership to be effective. Without effective leadership, leading the charge failure is inevitable. Innovation Leaders must be highly focused and capable, demonstrating a superby ability to:

      • Strategize
      • Organize
      • Nurture the Transformation

Organizations must designate and empower “Innovation Advocates/Champions” to drive these shifts in thinking, shifts in interaction, shifts in management systems. The job of the Innovation Champion is essential, difficult, and largely misunderstood. See our Article on Champions originally published in Peter Drucker’s Book: Leader of the Future

4. Organizational Design: Most organizations were designed for functional efficiency, not innovation. This creates a number of natural barriers to innovation. We look at three major organizational areas to address innovation flows:

      • Structure and Integration
      • Culture, Attitudes, & Beliefs
      • Right People & Teams to empower collaborative innovation

5. Performance Processes: For any organization, it is essential to have a set of High Performance Processes that can underpin the innovation architecture to produce excellent results time after time. We take a comprehensive and systematic approach to ensure your Processes & Practices are up to the task of producing valuable streams of innovation.

6. Legal, Contractual, & IP Stimulation: The Value of IP is short-lived in a fast-moving world, and therefore its renewal and regeneration and future new royalty streams are just as important as its protection of current IP & royalty streams. Our approach aims at three mutual objectives

  • Ensure Getting Right Agreement in place will Never Delay Joint Projects
  • Ensure Contracts are Flexible enough to change quickly with the rate of change in the strategic environment.
  • Build Innovation Relationships between parties that ensure continuous streams of innovation from the system of relationships, thus maximizing both your competitive advantage long-term, and the profitability of your business from its intellectual property.

7. Metrics & Rewards: It’s abundantly true that “if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.”
So also is it true that without metrics you can’t sustain it, reward it, or nurture it.
We ensure we focus on identifying where Value is Created, Lost, Destroyed, or Opportunities are Overlooked. In the end, the right metrics don’t just measure innovation, they actually drive innovation and ensure that your don’t just innovate for innovation’s sake, but create useable, sustainable, and valuable innovation.

8. Capability Building: Without skills, the best innovation system is but a hollow shell. Our action-planning workshop system drives the strategies, systems, processes, methodologies, and practices deep into the organization’s innovation teams. Our powerful methodology is not an academic “training” approach, but based on a very well tested system that produces results. (see more detail.....)

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